
Wednesday, 8 April 2015


Thanos wipes most of the mutants right off the face of the planet when he obtains the Infinity Gauntlet!
PLUS: Sabretooth reveals his connection to Wolverine, X-Force go public and an all-new, all-different X-Factor make their debut...
  • Knights of Pendragon #1, 4-8, 10-12, 18 (1990-1991) Captain Britain assists Dai Thomas in solving the mystery of the Green Knight.
  • Wolverine and the Punisher: Damaging Evidence #1-3 (1993) Wolverine and the Punisher fight the Reavers, the Kingpin and each other.
  • Damage Control #3-4 (1991) Damage Control worker Ediface Rex loses all self-control when he gains major cosmic powers; it takes the combined might of all the major heroes (including the X-Men) to defeat him.
  • Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD #25-29 (1991) Wolverine helps his old buddy Nick Fury defeat Hydra super-agents.
  • Avengers #332-333 (1991) Wolverine is invited to the opening party for the new Avengers Mansion; three Doctor Dooms disrupt the celebrations.
  • Spider-Man Family: Amazing Friends #1 (2006) Iceman teams up with Firestar and Spider-Man against the unlikely threat of Videoman.
  • Avengers #335-339 (1991) Beast assists his old Avengers pals against the Collector and the Brethren.
  • Wolverine #38-44 (1991) Donald Pierce sends two cyborgs (a little girl called Elsie-Dee and a cyborg copy of Wolverine called Albert) after Wolverine and Storm; Cable and Wolverine track the Hunter in Darkness and run into Sabretooth; Sabretooth reveals he's Wolverine's father.
  • Quasar #23 (1991) Phoenix makes a cameo appearance, sensing Quasar's quest to save reality.
  • Infinity Gauntlet #2-3(pp.1-10) / Silver Surfer #52 / Infinity Gauntlet #3(pp.11-12) / Silver Surfer #54 / Infinity Gauntlet #3(pp.12-40)-4(pp.1-3) / Doctor Strange #33 / Infinity Gauntlet #4(pp.4-40) (1991) Wolverine and Cyclops are the only surviving X-team members to join Adam Warlock's last-ditch effort to save the universe from Thanos during THE INFINITY GAUNTLET.
  • X-Factor #71-73 (1991) Havok, Polaris, Wolfsbane, Multiple Man, Quicksilver and Strong Guy form a new, government-sponsored X-Factor line-up during MUTANT GENESIS.
  • Spider-Man #8-12 (1991) Wolverine dons his old yellow and blue costume to help Spider-Man hunt a Wendigo; but is the cannibal creature inadvertently hiding the actions of a serial killer?
  • Avengers #343 (1992) Quicksilver visits his wife, Crystal, at Avengers Mansion.
  • Wonder Man #5-6 (1992) Beast and Wonder Man hang out like old times, just as a swarm of Rampages live up to their name.
  • Marvel Comics Presents #72[1/4]-83[1/4], 84[1/2] (1991) The origin of Wolverine's adamantium-laced skeleton is revealed (to readers).
  • Spider-Man #15 (1992) Beast and Spider-Man join forces against the mutant threat of Powerhouse.
  • Namor the Sub-Mariner #21-25 (1991-1992) Master Khan uses Wolverine as a pawn against Namor.
  • X-Force Annual #1[2/3] (1992) Whiz Kid gets a crush.
  • X-Force #1-3 (1991) First appearance of the new Weapon X (Kane) and GW Bridge; X-Force continue to pursue Stryfe and his Mutant Liberation Front; Kane battles Deadpool; the team head to the World Trade Centre to take on the Juggernaut and Black Tom Cassidy during MUTANT GENESIS.
  • Spider-Man #16 / X-Force #4 (1991) Spider-Man and X-Force team up against Juggernaut and Black Tom; Siryn joins X-Force during SABOTAGE / MUTANT GENESIS.
  • Marvel Graphic Novel #67: Wolverine - Bloody Choices (1991) Wolverine hunts a crimelord with an assassin called Shiv with powers exactly like his.
  • Marvel Comics Presents #90[3/4]-97[3/4] (1991-1992) Cable and Ghost Rider become reluctant allies in the search for the Grateful Dead.
  • X-Men: True Friends #1-3 (1999) Phoenix and Shadowcat travel back in time and team up with Wolverine during World War II.
  • Wolverine #45-47 (1991) Wolverine and Sabretooth get caught in a showdown with the Hunter in Darkness and Lady Deathstrike; Sabretooth's revelation is probably a lie; Wolverine is hit by a drunk driver.
  • Marvel Collector's Edition #1[3/4] (1992) Wolverine and Jubilee practice in the Danger Room.
  • Deathlok #2, 4-5 (1991) The X-Men and Deathlok rescue Forge from Mechadoom.


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