Professor X trains the young mutants - Cyclops, Iceman, Marvel Girl, Beast and Angel - to save other mutants as their powers emerge...
- X-Men #1 (1963) The X-Men are sent on their first mission: to stop the mutant terrorist, Magneto, from stealing nuclear weapons.
- Web of Spider-Man #2 [1/3] (2010) The criminal Electro has a run-in with Magneto.
- X-Men #2 (1963) The X-Men meet the Vanisher.
- Tales of Suspense #49 [1/2] (1964) Iron Man vs Angel; X-Men cameo.
- Avengers #3 (1964) The X-Men make a cameo appearance.
- X-Men #3-5 [first part] (1964) The X-Men fight the Blob; the X-Men's confront Magneto's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants for the first time.
- Strange Tales #120 [1/2] (1964) Iceman and the Human Torch vs Captain Barracuda.
- X-Men #5 [second part] (1964) The X-Men defeat the Brotherhood.
- Fantastic Four #28 (1964) The X-Men vs the Fantastic Four.
- X-Men #6 (1964) The Sub-Mariner briefly joins Magneto's Brotherhood.
- Unlimited Access #3-4 (1998) Access meets the X-Men and Brotherhood.
- Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 (1964) X-Men cameo.
- Journey into Mystery #109 (1964) Thor vs Magneto and the Brotherhood.
- Marvels #2 (1994) The X-Men rescue a mutant girl.
- Excalibur vs X-Men Special Edition #1 (1992) The X-Men fight the time-travelling Excalibur.
- X-Men #7 (1964) The Brotherhood try to recruit the Blob.
- Untold Tales of Spider-Man #21 (1997) The X-Men and Spider-Man vs Menace.
- Untold Tales of Spider-Man '97 Annual (1997) The X-Men make a cameo appearance during IT'S ALWAYS DARKEST BEFORE THE DAWN.
- X-Men #8-9 (1964-1965) X-Men vs Unus; the X-Men fight the Avengers while Professor X defeats Lucifer.
- Strange Tales #128 (1965) Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch try to leave Magneto's Brotherhood, seeking the help of the Fantastic Four; a run-in with the Thing and Human Torch makes them reconsider leaving Magneto.
- Fantastic Four #35-36 (1965) Professor X and Cyclops make a cameo appearance while the Fantastic Four battle Dragon Man; the X-Men help the Fantastic Four defeat the Frightful Four.
- X-Men #10-11 (1965) The X-Men meet Ka-Zar; the Stranger kidnaps Magneto, leaving the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants without a leader.
- Avengers #16 (1965) Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch leave the Brotherhood to join the Avengers.
- Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes #7 (2005) The X-Men react to Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch defecting.
- X-Men Forever #3 (2001) The future Toad sees travels back to the time when he was Magneto's lackey.
- Fantastic Four Annual #3 (1965) The X-Men are invited to Reed Richards & Sue Storm's wedding.
- Marvels #3(p.32) (1994) The X-Men attend Reed & Sue's wedding.
- Marvel Heroes & Legends #1 (1996) The celebrations continue...
- Fantastic Four Annual #3 (1965) Magneto is among the villains attacking the Richards' wedding.
- X-Men #12-26 (1965-1966) The X-Men tackle the Juggernaut, Sentinels, Mimic, Count Nefaria, Locust and El Tigre and have a rematch with Magneto.
- Marvel Monsters: Monsters on the Prowl #1 [1/2] (2005) Beast teams up with Giant-Man, Hulk and Thing against the Collector.
- X-Men #27-31 (1966-1967) Mimic joins the X-Men; Mimic leaves the team after fighting Factor Three (including Banshee and Ogre); X-Men vs Cobalt Man.
- X-Men Unlimited #42 [3/4] (2003) The team celebrate Marvel Girl's birthday.
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